Begun during the COVID-19 crisis of 2020, the Montclair Church of Christ 's Food Pantry has been proof that the Lord is always working. From once empty shelves we have been able to feed over 50 families in and around Montclair, and thanks to your generous donations, we seek to feed more families in the years to come.
Paraphrasing James 2:15-16, what good is it to tell a hungry person the Lord will provide when you can feed them instead. Therefore, it is our prayer that you will decide today to donate to our Benevolent Fund so that we can continue to stock and replenish our Food Pantry because hunger isn't just for the holidays.

Make a
Our success in helping the community has been made possible thanks to people just like you. With your generous contribution, no matter how great or small, we are able to truly make a difference. We are grateful for any help you can provide, and guarantee it will change lives for the better.

After recognizing the need for spiritual and emotional support throughout the body of Christ, we established our Christian Counseling Ministry. The purpose of this Ministry is to provide individuals, couples and families with the love and support they seek from a counselor who understands and shares their Christian perspective.